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Big brother is watching and other musings

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Big brother is watching and other musings

Post by mamasita »

Happy Friday LIM friends!
As I scroll through FB, I get these "sponsored" ads. Clearly, they know more about me than I wish. x_x I will say, this snippit below was helpful. Not really talking about limerence necessarily, but definitely speaking to me:
We may find distant or avoidant partners alluring because their avoidance is a challenge for our ego …
We might find it more exciting to be caught up in a push-pull dynamic with someone than to say yes to love that is readily available and healthy for us.
The excitement comes from eroticizing rejection - it feeds that part of us that still feels like have something to prove.
Prove we’re lovable or worthy. That we are so special that we can change someone’s mind or behavior.
But that excitement you feel is also draining your energy and soul-sucking on so many levels.
When we abandon ourselves for someone who’s undeserving of our energy, our inner-child is is usually hurting deeply and feeling afraid to be alone.
It's ok to walk away when your heart isn’t being cherished, honored or supported.
We're all going to have days where we show up as the worst version of ourselves.
But at the end of the day, we all deserve to be with someone who we know is in our corner.
Someone who loves us on the hard days and treats the relationship as sacred.
Any time we waste chasing someone to give us love, there’s an unmet internal need for love and nurturance toward our inner-child.
You don’t need someone else to reflect back your wounds without being willing to heal with you.
You don’t need someone to trigger all of your insecurities by treating you like an after-thought or avoiding intimacy.
It might feel unnatural to let go of this type of connection because you’re breaking a very old pattern … you might even find it “boring” to move towards love that doesn’t trigger you
Don’t worry, this doesn’t make you “crazy”, it means you really want to heal.
And to heal, you have to practice letting healthy love in.
Healing occurs as you sever your addictions to shadow relationships and move toward people who hold you in your highest light.
Healing comes from doing Self-acceptance work and making the relationship with YOU and your inner-child the number one relationship in your life.
And healing occurs from understanding yourself and your true nature in relationship.
Are we listening?

On another note, unrelated, I will see LO this weekend. I cannot avoid it. I've learned that my face mask certainly helps me avoid passing any illness along, :D but it also helps me avoid any perception of any connection. Feels like it helps me avoid expressions or smilies or perceptions, all of it. When I wore one the last time I saw him, I realized the unanticipated benefit. So MASK UP! I am hoping I can be a gray rock and not attempt to boost my own ego and I certainly don't want his boosted on my account. Say a prayer for me if you do that sort of thing. Thank you.
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Re: Big brother is watching and other musings

Post by selkie354 »

Haha I get that add too! I know I looked into various different mental health things when coming to terms with this and I have noticed two new types of youtube ads that I didn't use to get: Online Therapy & Hard Liquor. The cynic in me finds that funny. But really its pretty terrible.

Good luck seeing your LO Mamasita! Good point about the mask. I do notice the masks hide emotions which can be handy when you don't feel like putting the effort in to hide them intentionally, with a mask and sunglasses no one can see anything B-)
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Re: Big brother is watching and other musings

Post by AMA210 »

@Mamasita: “ It might feel unnatural to let go of this type of connection because you’re breaking a very old pattern … you might even find it “boring” to move towards love that doesn’t trigger you.
Don’t worry, this doesn’t make you “crazy”, it means you really want to heal.”

This is where I am now. Getting reconnected with my ex-SO, where there is minuscule triggering, and at times, boring, as compared to the triggering brought on by LO. It’s foreign to me to experience this, but so much healthier than the alternative.

Wishing you luck today and knowing that you will remain in your power!
Never give up! Keep moving forward, no matter what.
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Re: Big brother is watching and other musings

Post by Maddie »

mamasita-- I could relate to so much of that. Thank you for posting. The part about having something to prove and about being so special that you can change someone's mind...ugh...was such a power trip for me and thrilling. Obviously don't feel that now. The mature side of me didn't really seem to show up until the limerence was gone (and all the limerent behaviors had already been engaged in). I am learning that I need to move forward, can't change the past no matter how great the desire to. Acceptance supposedly brings peace. Continuous self-forgiveness and compassion is vital.
I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
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