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Setting myself up for disappointment

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Setting myself up for disappointment

Post by Steve_Fox »

Hello all. Just a quick one.
So, all the way through school I was always told I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone other than an Indian girl. I'm Indian myself.
Now all three of my sisters are in relationships with white guys and my parents act like it's totally fine.
We own a shop and a woman has been coming in recently (although infequently) who is beautiful and always really nice.
I know I'm not entitled to anything. I'm very well aware. But I did want to try to get to know her better.
Except that she comes in yesterday with two kids and her boyfriend.
Cue heart shattering (again) and all the memories of the girls I was limerent over in secondary school come flooding back again.
Don't know why I bother anymore.
Posts: 280
Joined: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:30 pm
Czech Republic

Re: Setting myself up for disappointment

Post by IvB »

Hey, Steve Fox,

That's difficult when you can't escape seeing her, I am sorry for that pain. I can recommend the book Living with Limerence, it gives some useful tips about how to recognize whom you might get limerent to and what to do about it.
I wish you a lot of strength!
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