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Life After Narcissistic Abuse

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Life After Narcissistic Abuse

Post by L-F »

If only the pain, anger, resentment, frustration, sorrow, and hurt would go away, could we learn to move on with life after narcissistic abuse? Narcissistic abuse hurts us while we are with the narcissist and long after we have left the narcissist.

Some people have become so trauma bonded with their narcissist that the idea of going No Contact isn’t even a viable option. And for those who may have been discarded by the narcissist, the anger and the rage they feel can become so overwhelming.

Overwhelming to the point that it causes severe migraines and headaches due to stress.

For many, they really just want to move on with their lives. But the memories of the past are so strong, and the reoccurring nightmares only add more fuel to the fire.

Life, no matter how bad the narcissist may have made yours, is a gift. And I am deadset determined to get people to start seeing this.

I know for many, they feel like they want to give up on life.


100 Ways To Let Go And Move On With Life After Narcissistic Abuse ... tic-abuse/
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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