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Why Limerence Hurts

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Why Limerence Hurts

Post by David »

Another blog article for this week

No one plans to experience limerence. Yet, it is very often an overwhelming experience. Limerence has always existed, but it was firstly defined in the 1970s by Dorothy Tennov. Limerence is not about love, but it’s also not about having a crush on someone. As Dorothy describes it in the book “Love and Limerence: The Experience Of Being In Love”, limerence is defined as a state of mind that results from a romantic attraction towards another person, called the Limerent Object. Usually, the limerent has obsessive thoughts and fantasies about their LO (Limerent Object) and have a strong desire to have the feelings reciprocated.

Read more here
Purchase the 24 part video series on overcoming limerence - see
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