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Is there such a thing as harm reduction?

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Is there such a thing as harm reduction?

Post by Zsababy »

I'm new here & don't quite know how to navigate so hopefully I'm in the right place.
I feel like an addict who doesn't want to or can't give up the drug yet. Like I know I shouldn't follow this person's Twitter account & have a few photos of them on my phone but it's the bright spot of my day. On the other front, I'm looking into increasing Buspar med for OCD to see if it helps with the constant intrusive thoughts. (I'm bipolar as well)
I know it's dysfunctional & perpetuates the limerance & I only make benign friendly comments on their Twiiter & haven't gotten weird--yet.
I'm wondering if I can do what hardcore addicts do-harm reduction. Like a heroin addict takes methadone or another substance abuser uses maintenance levels but doesn't OD.
The high just feels so good.
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