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Reaching the end of this cycle

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Reaching the end of this cycle

Post by Struck613 »

I haven't posted in a while, but I think I'm finally reaching the end of my LE. I've had several LOs before, and I can't say me nearing the end this time is due to any great inner awakening, so I'm not convinced I won't eventually latch onto another LO. But for now I think I'm nearing the end with the current LO regardless.

When this experience started, LO was my coworker who I'd see everyday. Now, I haven't seen her in two years. When covid started and we were working remotely, we used to text close to every day. Now, our texts are much less frequent. We're not coworkers anymore, and she's not in touch with anyone else we used to work with. We had a group text with six or seven "work friends," but she removed herself from the text. Her and I continued to text one on one, but she lost touch with everyone else. I don't see a scenario where we don't continue to slowly drift further apart as more time passes, as the thing (work) and people (coworkers) that used to connect us fade further into the rearview mirror.

Also, I'm pretty sure (though not 100% confident) she is moving in with her SO, who she's been with for over a year at this point. I had been grasping on to hope early on in their relationship that she'd realize I was the person she really wanted to be in a relationship with, and he'd soon be out of the picture. Not that that was ever realistic, but at this point it's so obviously not realistic that not even my limerent brain believes it anymore. I still really do believe she was interested in me at some point when she was single, but for reasons I can get into in another time and place it wasn't the right time for me to initiate and find out. And by the time I was ready she had an SO so I'll never know. I guess it doesn't really matter either way - sometimes things just don't work out. In reality I don't think I'm actually that zen about it, but it is what it is. I can't go back and change the past.

She mentioned to me last week I was in her dream. She didn't say it like that, and there were several other people we used to work with in the dream too so it wasn't just about me. I think that comment gave me a fleeting rush again, but that passed quickly. In the past I would've been analyzing and thinking about that for weeks. I have mostly stopped initiating texts with her, so hopefully I can have real NC soon enough.
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Re: Reaching the end of this cycle

Post by IvB »

Congratulations, Struck, that sounds really good. I am practically on the same level and also my story is very similar. It's such a freedom and relief not to have all those feelings and not ruminate every second of the day. I don't think I am completely free but as long as I don't meet my LO personally, the slow drifting apart and less and less communication is all we need.
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Re: Reaching the end of this cycle

Post by L-F »

That sounds awesome Struck & IvB!
I believe limerence will fade organically with limited to NC, yet, it never truly goes away (whether its with this LO or that LO) until we address the root issues that caused it.

Best of luck moving forward. It's always a huge relief when limerence starts to peter out.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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