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I'm new here and I need to share something

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Re: I'm new here and I need to share something

Post by JupiterTaco »

It's interesting how we all believe something different. I was raised Christian/Lutheran but we weren't a terribly religious family. I also believe in the supernatural and the occult. I don't follow the occult but I know it's real based on my experiences. I know there are people who use witchcraft and the like for negative and I probably never would've believed it if not for my former neighbor experience. That situation was the reason I looked so much of that up, including the "signs that someone is thinking about you". I literally couldn't ignore it with her. I knew it was all a spiritual attack and wanted to protect myself but didn't know how. I was terrified I was going to have to open my third eye to fight her. Thankfully it never came to that. My former classmate on the other side and maybe others on the other side but I remember my classmate, did whatever they did and I was able to move on and get away from that. That was a real fight. I would never convince anybody else of all of that and I don't talk about it in person as it makes me sound crazy but I know it was real. The aftereffects of that. How my life literally fell apart by supernatural force. How my brain was so scrambled I couldn't take care of myself. I could probably research what exactly happened by some spiritual standards but I don't want to. I escaped it and that's good enough for me. That was an extremely creepy months-long experience. It has forever impacted the way I see religion and other people.

I used to consider myself really open-minded about learning other cultures and religions, and not really close to my own religion and now I understand that I have to be stronger in my own spiritual beliefs to strengthen myself inside. If I had understood that truth years ago dealing with limerence with fifth LO, who was somewhat outwardly religious and which intrigued and intimidated me, I sometimes wonder if the whole neighbor experience could've been avoided. But I know I had conflictions about religion for a long time and I know why. I have also been religiously abused at times. I had a good friend who was into witchcraft and how interesting it seemed. If I'd met her now, or someone just like her, I know I'd run the other way due to my former neighbor experiences and that's kind of sad I guess.

I still feel at times that my former coworker misses me (not intensely like former neighbor did). If former neighbor had just approached me in person and said, I know I fucked up and I'm sorry, would like another chance with you, it might've given me a chance to consent to a relationship I could understand and consent to but I guess some people don't want that. Not saying I would have, she screwed up pretty bad with me early on, but she would've had more chance with me that way than doing all the things she did do. Spiritual signs regarding somebody can certainly be real, but if they're not contacting you, they have a reason, whatever it is. Just let it go and move on is what I think.
Last edited by JupiterTaco on Mon May 02, 2022 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The only thing worse than a smug married couple? "Lots of smug married couples!" Bridget, Bridget Jones's Diary
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Re: I'm new here and I need to share something

Post by L-F »

Zsababy wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 1:55 pm I was mostly speaking regarding the limerant angle. I'm actually agnostic & practice (half-assed) psychological alchemy & agnostic psychology-based Chaos Magic. (It sounds silly, but it's basically about using belief & ritual to reprogram your mind, break bad patterns & transform yourself)
Oh, that sounds super interesting! Haven't heard of it. I must look to up.
Zsababy wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 1:55 pm I myself use Voyager Tarot, but it's a very unique deck meant for self-development, not predicting the future. I've used it to ask about what I should learn from my LO or the whole experience & it usually comes up with creativity (many of the cards do). So I do believe that spirituality can help you but that magical thinking can be dangerous, especially where limerance is concerned.
Now that sounds like a cool deck. I was recently introduced to Titania's Fortune cards which I enjoy so bought a deck. They're a little different.
Zsababy wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 1:55 pm I seriously spent time researching this guy's sign (Aries) & mine (Scorpio). I of course loved the results as it said it's a very sexually powerful combo so of course I LOVED that! 😂😂 But some of his alleged Aries traits don't sound like him at all so the whole thing is just chance coincidence of *some* qualities & a lot of wishful thinking. Of course I *want* to hear that we'd have hot sex! 😂
Erm... Same star signs for us but in reverse :D
I was chatting with an Astrologer who said the star signs you get in magazines, etc, are absolute bs.

I came across a site (didn't save the link) that broke down each star sign by the day [of the month], which meant there was no 'typical' Aries or any other star sign for that matter. Of course I knew LOs birthdate so downloaded LOs and mine. Made for interesting reading. I also did a comparison with SO.

"Jung became aware of the zodiacal shift of eon in his researches in astrology. Most of this research focused on the charts of individuals, and for one “experiment”[31] he reported in 1955, he studied 800 charts.[32] In volume 8 of his Collected Works, forty-three paragraphs[33] are devoted to a report of his examination of the charts of married couples and the correspondence of their sun-moon aspects, with sun-moon conjunctions and sun-moon oppositions being quite common."
Limerentme wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 4:22 pm It's good that you believe there is a choice who you let in.
Limerence has been a Godsend, for me. It was the experience of tackling and overcoming my LE that highlighted the kinds of people I attract, and why I attract them, LO included.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: I'm new here and I need to share something

Post by Zsababy »

On the topic of New Age damage, I wouldn't say any practitioner did damage to me. It's more like I did it to myself. When I'd have bipolar symptoms, I'd rely on cards & astrology to "give me a sign" as to what to do because my life was a mess, I had no direction & my illness wasn't under control yet.

Because I'd say I'm very agnostic tending towards athiesm-- more like Panthiest or Taoist, I've realized that whenever I slip into that magical thinking and start relying on external things to give me "signs", it's a symptom of mania coming on. I once had full-blown manic psychosis (induced by antidepressants) and I thought objects were giving me "signs" and "messages". Not that you're headed in that direction, but as a bipolar person who's had a psychotic break, magical thinking is a slippery slope and an indicator of potential mania.

I don't think this kind of dependence is limited to bipolar though. I think it can stem from a sense of powerlessness, (hence the need for magical powers) and lack of direction and purpose.

I'd keep a journal if you aren't already. List things you like, as well as your own qualities and strengths. Slowly you can find your place, but there will probably be a lot of stumbling and wandering but that's part of the journey. It doesn't mean that you have to set a goal of becoming an astronaut, but just to get a better sense of yourself so you can decide how you want to spend your time. Even if it's just saying "hey, I like Soul music. I'm going to get more into soul music, maybe learn it, maybe just listen to it, watch documentaries and the like."

Give yourself plenty of time to find yourself. I had to do a lot of stumbling & wandering but just get out there & follow your curiosity.
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