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'Life is tough' [poem]

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'Life is tough' [poem]

Post by L-F »

Don't use limerence as an excuse;
to cheat,
to say you need to escape via fantasising
all because life got tough.
Life is tough.
Life is heartlessly unsympathetic at times.

Don't think of limerence as a byproduct of;
falling out of love with one's long-term partner, all because;
chores and work became time-consuming,
or because raising little humans suckled one's enthusiasm dry and emptied pockets.
Remember, life is tough.

Don't think of limerence as one's inherent right to procreate, or need to reinvent one's youth. Limerence is not about looks, status, or continuing one's bloodline.
Don't assume one's sex life will remain in sync with one's long-term partner, or like it was back in one's unabashedly youthful days.
Life is tough remember.
It requires work,
even in the bedroom.
People age.
I'll pass you a mirror.

Don't think of limerence as a handicap, limitation or curse for one's sins.

Limerence is a wake-up call to alert you to what is going wrong in one's life in order to put it right. However that may look.
Limerence serves a purpose and it has to be painful in order for you to take notice.
So take note.
Not of LO.
Of the work that needs to be done.
Remember life is merciless, yet, equally charitable.

Limerence is the ultimate wake-up call that LIFE is calling. And arent we lucky we've got a chance to put it right instead of sleepwalk our way to our deathbed. For some, it takes a terminal illness to wake them up.

Life is tough. And it's calling.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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