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Another study related to limenrece

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Another study related to limenrece

Post by David »

Im happy to help with any request related to limerence as there is a dearth of research on this condition.

My name is Doireann, and I am conducting a research study for my undergraduate thesis in Psychology at the South East Technological University (SETU). My research is focused on Maladaptive Daydreaming and Limerence and I’m hoping you might aid me in gathering some participants.

By undertaking this study, we hope to see if people who have vivid and recurrent daydreams about relationships also experience Limerence. We are also seeking to understand how daydreaming impacts happiness, and hope to see if those with Maladaptive Daydreaming and Limerence share similar attachment styles.

Participants will be asked to undertake a short anonymous survey that will take approximately 20 minutes. To my knowledge, this study is the first of its kind and hopes to further research and understanding of these topics. As I'm sure you are aware researchers have very little understanding of these phenomena and
participation would really help to shed light on the experience of daydreamers and those who experience Limerence.

The study has received ethical approval from the South East Technological University (SETU) ethics board and is being supervised by Dr Claire Cullen. Participation in the study is anonymous and participants will not be asked for their names or any personally identifying information.

I have attached a poster and a short blurb below which introduces and outlines the survey. Feel free to use these if you wish.


Do you spend a lot of your time daydreaming, or having obsessive, intrusive romantic thoughts or feelings about a person or thing?
Maybe you can contribute to research on Maladaptive Daydreaming and Limerence.

My name is Doireann, and I am conducting a research study on Daydreaming and Limerence for my undergraduate thesis in Psychology at the South East Technological University (SETU) Ireland.

This study aims to see if people who have absorbing and recurrent daydreams about relationships also experience powerful infatuations. As well as seeking to understand how daydreaming impacts happiness, this study also hopes to see if those with Maladaptive Daydreaming and Limerence share similar relationship styles.

As, to our knowledge, this research is the first of its kind, we would be incredibly grateful if you would take the time to take our 20 minute anonymous survey.

You can access the survey via this link:
Or by scanning the QR code on the poster.

Thank you very much for your time and contributions, your participation means a great deal!
Limerance posterMock up 4 .jpg
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Purchase the 24 part video series on overcoming limerence - see
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