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Are Forums like this on the way out?

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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Are Forums like this on the way out?

Post by David »

Since our recent escapades with TikTok, I have been reflecting on how spaces like this forum are evolving, and what current generations are looking for when they are seeking insight, support, debate and answers to their questions.

I do wonder whether these forums, which evolved from what was originally called bulletin boards when the Internet was in its early days Have a shelf-life and perhaps newer and better ways to communicate with like-minded people will change.

I have seen some interesting comments opening up into debate on TikTok. However, it’s a much shorter form similar to Twitter, and one that misses so many nuances than longer form communication allows for

It will be interesting to see how this space evolves

What do you think?
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Re: Are Forums like this on the way out?

Post by L-F »

I've long thought forums were on the way out. No one wants to spend the time (so it appears) for dialogue but rather short sharp retorts where they drop and run. Don't even answer questions asked of them or replies given.

Plus, I feel platforms like Twitter, FB and tiktok add fuel to vitriol. Don't know why? Maybe the drop and run mentality?

Who knows. Things go in and out of fashion all the time.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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