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How long has your current limerance been going on?

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How long has your current limerance been going on?

Post by Zsababy »

I think I'm 2.5 years in. The thing is, I don't want to give it up because it makes me feel good but I know I've squandered a lot of time on fantasies. Time flies when you're deluded 🤣 Listening to an interview with him reminds me that I'm an obsessive fan, and I really don't like to think of myself that way. It makes me sound completely nuts. I know people here are much more grounded in reality and can't really relate.

How long has it been for you?
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Re: How long has your current limerance been going on?

Post by HelpWithGOLO »

I think it was early November of last year. I don't know exactly when but I remember the feelings for her getting more intense. So...8 months, give or take.
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Re: How long has your current limerance been going on?

Post by marko »

Since February I suppose. I escape limerantly most of my life. 2017 was more significant in that I had no idea what and why. I just knew I coudn't stop the thoughts. This new one had me thinking too much like I do with most things, but I thought oh oh when my underarms started sweating when she was around, and then I started obsessing over how much I was obsessing. The low but persistent feeling of mania and just real good wellbeing accompanied the thoughts. I still was a bit in denial as I couldn't point to her (really me) as the source. It was when I looked in the mirror and found myself wondering if I looked OK was really the tipping point and I just couldn't stop. I was glowing and then it's extra hard to stop as I finally feel liked. It matters little how much you tell yourself how stupid it all is and as you, no one would understand. It's like a second reality existing with reality, one you wish to replace as you feel you can't exist without it. It's so paralyzing as you angle a way to the impossible, and yet somehow hang on even though you know, and then it's :(( .

I thought I could snap out of it easier this time, especially given her unavailability. The parralel to 2017 points to me and what I do, no matter the LO. My metabolism sky rockets, I loose weight and initially sleep. She lasted 9 months intense and made it to a happier place 2 years ago--so 3 years. I still think of her here and there, but outside a couple of lunches, I finally came to grips that we will never be. For some reason this past month felt like a lifetime. I suppose I played with being in the old lo's world at some point (she invited me to work with her, I said no, but stil). Now I have to make this die for good, that seems much harder. I blab on again as it makes me feel better, like if I can rationally express it I may not be 8-} .

At 2.5 are you at a better place, or do you still roller coaster up and down?
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Re: How long has your current limerance been going on?

Post by L-F »

8-10 yrs
First 12 months where weird stuff happened but not obsessed.
Following 12 months confusion re sexuality
Yr 3 working towards unpacking what is really going on
Yr 4 - 6 working on self
Yr 7 - 8 working on familial ties
Yr 8 - 10 cleaning up and clearing out
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: How long has your current limerance been going on?

Post by L-F »

Zsababy I wouldn't focus on labeling myself as an obsessed fan if I were in your shoes. In short, who cares what you look like to others?
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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