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sounds like a classic case of limerence

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sounds like a classic case of limerence

Post by David »

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Re: sounds like a classic case of limerence

Post by L-F »

It probably was.

When she said "I just couldn't stop the adrenaline rush. It was addictive. Every time my phone buzzed or a text came through from him, my whole world just lit up."

This got me thinking if those who are addicted to gambling constantly think about it.
The adrenaline rush or dopamine hits are from small things like lights, music, words, song lyrics, scents, and in-the-moment triggers while LO is the big prize, no different from winning the jackpot. It's the anticipation of something big and exciting about to happen while the rush/hits are all the little things along with way.

Most LS talk about LO as if they cause the dopamine hit, but it's not them at all, IMO. They are no different from an inanimate object (for those inflicted with objectophilia), the thing (or person) of desire sits just across the finish line. Reading her account she said it was the words he used. When you think about it, those words could have come from anyone, whether attractive or not. I'm sure there were other factors and perhaps a pretty face helps, but then, you get people falling for others that they typically wouldn't fall for.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that LOs aren't that special, it's the inner dream of the LS that is connected to them, or as you would say, projected onto them.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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