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Journal section?

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Journal section?

Post by Thatawesomegirl1989 »

Hello, I'm relatively new here and so far this place has been really wonderful in understanding myself. I was wondering if it were possible to add a journaling section on here? Sometimes I really feel like venting about things I'm thinking and while I do have a journal I keep for myself sometimes it's nice to have the option of putting it out there for others to read. I don't want to overstep my boundaries being new but was wondering if you would consider doing a section for that in the future perhaps. I know there was mention of a blog on here before, but I just mean really a separate sub forum on here where members can have a running post to journal their own thoughts, experiences etc. I didn't think posting something like that on the main chat section would be appropriate. I don't know if anyone else would find this helpful so thought I would bring it up to see.

Thank you so much for creating this place!
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Re: Journal section?

Post by David »


I like that idea and to me makes sense. Remember the whole world can read this so its not private.

Fingers crossed we can get a module that incorporates chat and blogs that can be restricted to your friends only.
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