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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

An ego can get on the way of one's healing.
Drop that jar

And breathe
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

"Marriage is not a love affair. A love affair is a totally different thing. A marriage is a commitment to that which you are. That person is literally your other half. And you and the other are one. A love affair isn't that. That is a relationship for pleasure, and when it gets to be unpleasurable, it's off. But a marriage is a life commitment, and a life commitment means the prime concern of your life. If marriage is not the prime concern, you're not married....The Puritans called marriage "the little church within the Church." In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive. It is an ongoing sacrament – love and forgiveness.... Like the yin/yang symbol....Here I am, and here she is, and here we are. Now when I have to make a sacrifice, I'm not sacrificing to her, I'm sacrificing to the relationship. Resentment against the other one is wrongly placed. Life in in the relationship, that's where your life now is. That's what a marriage is – whereas, in a love affair, you have two lives in a more or less successful relationship to each other for a certain length of time, as long as it seems agreeable."

Joseph Campbell
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

I'd rather be hated for my truth
than despised for my lies.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

There comes a time when you realise you were an adult all along.
That's the moment you take the reins to your life and don't allow your dysfunctional past to dictate your behaviour.
You can't change them, nor your past.
You can only learn about it.

And then move on.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

I wanna meet myself from another person's point of view and experience my own energy.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

"Remove the
"I want you to like me"
sticker from your forehead and place it on the mirror, where it belongs"
Susan Jeffers
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

Our culture bows to the fleetingness of being “in love” while discounting the importance of love. Limerence is neither fleeting nor love. It leaves you a traped addict barely able to cope with sensations of withdrawal should we go no contact. What lies within is a queasy combination of admiration and discomfort, but sometimes mixed feelings are the hardest to resist indulging in. They can make us feel alive again. They do not demand us to love or hate them, let alone understand them. They exist to keep us second-guessing ourselves. ~ L-F
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

From me...

A waste of energy:
* Stressing over going no contact if you are not going to.
* Stressing over why you think you love LO. You just do. Don't stress about it. Instead, figure out where you want to go with it. And if that is hell and back, so be it, that's your choice.

* Don't rob yourself of your energy, time or sympathy. Focus on what you need to do, not what you want to do.

* No limerent journey is easy, what makes you think yours will be?

* No limerent journey needs to be more painful than it is. Learn to create a safe space where LO doesn't exist. Meditate, sing, dance, exercise, watch a comedy - anything to distract you from the distraction. But practice it. Nothing becomes easier without practice.

* No one is coming to save you, not even LO. Learn to save yourself from, you guessed it.

*Thoughts create feelings that create thoughts. Start at the beginning and learn to challenge your thoughts.

* If you think you're being led by the heart, think again.

* Go easy. Life can suck at the best of times. Walk with the knowledge you've got this, even if you have to fake it. You'll get there!

* Go well. Stay healthy.

* Limerence sucks.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Posts: 4512
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United States of America

Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

"As traumatized children we always dreamed that someone would come and save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves, as adults."
Alice Little
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Posts: 4512
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United States of America

Re: Meme/Quotes

Post by L-F »

"Individuation is about transformation. It means being willing to embrace a lifetime of full-fledged metamorphosis analogous to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly over and over again. It means letting go of the defining characteristics that make up our identity for the sake of becoming something further enhanced by the Self, with a capital ‘S,’ the Divine spark within us. The pain in this process is the pain of breaking through our own limitations. The joy is our increased capacity for living and feeling at home within ourselves, and experiencing our wholeness."

- Bud Harris, Becoming Whole: A Jungian Guide to Individuation (The Spirit of Individuation).
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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