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Post by nathras »

Hi to all 👋
I'm actively trying to get over my LO been very slow progress
Some days feel semi ok like actual smile & not wanting to cry
Then most days obsessively thinking bout LO crying sad just wishing I didn't have to exist through this pain anymore
So in my research for ways to cope & move forward I read that I should do some volunteer work
I like rolled my eyes Like how da heck that gonna help me seriously I just wanna curl up & not exist anymore
How is being around a bunch of strangers gonna help
Hmmmm so tonight I volunteered at a homeless people event
Gotta say first time in months I actually did not think of LO once whole time I was there 6 hrs or so & no desire to think about LO now either except for writing this lol
And I legit don't feel the slightest bit of sadness or tears coming on atm
Might be just one night it will last but damn I'm taking it a moment of feeling normal
Gives me so much hope for the future that there is a way to get LO out my head & actually feel so at peace ✌️
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