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Scenarios I've Imagined

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Scenarios I've Imagined

Post by Since2013 »

I imagined so many. Almost all of them include being clear with him that I'm married. My favorite might actually happen if he is as bold as he was in 2013.

Here's what happened. One day I was on the bus, he wasn't. I managed. Figured he had a doc appt or something, but was also hoping that nothing changed drastically that would cause him to be on another route. Anyway, the bus pulls up to a stop where I have a clear view of a gas station. There he was standing in front of his car at the gas pump. Not pumping gas, and not pretending to, either. He's standing in front of his car looking staring dead at me. I took that as an invitation to get off the bus and meet up with him. This happened minutes away from the end of the bus route, which is where I would see my then fiance' every day. So the three of us would meet up at the loop daily. I would tell LO to have a nice day and head towards fiance. LO would eventually walk past me and fiance and they always said hello and sometimes shook hands. Even with fiance' standing there with me, I was completely mesmerized.

Anyway, my point is, this scenario could replay itself somewhat if he's still interested. I've decided that if I he comes to me, I'm not going to walk past him or let him walk past me and pretend this is not happening.
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