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What Does Limerence Feel Like?

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What Does Limerence Feel Like?

Post by David »

To understand what limerence feels like, we have to first understand what limerence is. Understanding limerence, in the beginning, can be quite challenging, as we mistook it very often for love. The concept of love is constantly being rewritten by the popular culture, across movies, TV, shows and songs, as they always describe these feelings as intense love addiction, known as limerence, rather than actual real love.

Stop for a second and think of your favourite romantic movie. You might recall movie scenes where a girl is compulsively re-reading a very single text message from her secret lover or when a man is fantasising about the woman of his life, his „soul mate” even after years of separation.

These are common signs of limerence and not love. Love takes work and time, while limerence is a state of mind of being addicted to love (and not the object of your love). Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to stop this feeling, this state of being has nothing to do with your will of choice, being rather caused by biochemical processes in your brain.

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