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New LO? It's not the first time...

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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New LO? It's not the first time...

Post by Since2013 »

Hi All,

I hope all of you have been well. Just checking in to say "hi" and vent a little.

I'm still working @ home because of our friend Covid. I love working from home and I hope it's indefinite.

I haven't seen LO since November, the day I voted. It caused a little depression, but I'm back where I started before running into him last summer.

A few weeks ago, I went to an event with hub, only to realize that I was seated near someone that I knew from my teens. We had a phone thing that never turned into anything. Literally a breakup that was never discussed. Since that day, I can't stop thinking about him. Now, I know from experience that this feeling will go away. I have become obsessed with others since my LO of 2013, and got over it. I know that this will also pass.

Does my 2013 LO speak to my soul or my sickness? Any why him? Will I ever be free?

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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