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Are there any good horror stories?

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Are there any good horror stories?

Post by DreamingBlue »

I don't want to relish in anyone's pain, but I do think it would be helpful to hear disaster stories. Do you know any David?
I'm specifically talking about people who went for it - they left SO for LO, it didn't work out, and they regretted it.

I'm listing the reasons it would be a bad idea for me. Not that I have any plans along these lines, more because I just want the idea of it to seem more and more far-fetched and not even worth entertaining for a second.

I heard from that site MarriageHelper that the vast, vast majority of their cases/clients that left SO for LO truly regretted it. I wonder if that is true in the overall "limerencesphere."

Ive worked with many couples where one is in active limerence. What i've often seem is where the limerence is consummated into a PA, the primary relationship collapses and the limerence when eventually fails as well, leaving the person with limerence alone. Or they stay put in the new relationship and realise their LO actually has similar issues to their SO and just masked it.

Because of confidentiality, I can't disclose specifics. Hopefully other will respond. Have you tried a search of the forums here?
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