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If I can't get over LO now...

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Re: If I can't get over LO now...

Post by L-F »

My guess is, having been projected upon (aka the LO), using 'mute' logically means 'they don't want to hear from you'. I wished I could have muted LS's backside and kicked him out of there! He was too intense and yet, hardly spoke!

Think logically and don't buy into the "they are only doing xyz to get ME the limerent, to love them".
Yeah right. I can imagine the limerent guy thinking that!

Your friend who has no skin in the game is spot on, and you're doing great Struck. Because limerence is about us, it really makes little difference what they think/do. It's about us and our boundaries and our healthy mindset.

It reads as though you're on the right track anyway. Yesss!
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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