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It's a tough road

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Age: 33

It's a tough road

Post by Yesnomaybeso »

Whilst I feel as though I am close to healed little things keep coming up which worry me. I've been casually seeing someone for months and I never felt.. up until now.. this unshaky feeling I felt through limerence. This feeling of rejection which makes me feel sad. Like I've lost something important. Honestly these days if I start feeling this obsession feeling start creeping up I tend to cut the person out of my life. Twice it happened this year when I was doing online dating and I took it as a sign that they're not right for me. I can see I am running from my problems but all I know is that I'm going to fight to keep my life mine and not let myself get lost in someone I barely know again.
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Re: It's a tough road

Post by IvB »

Good luck, I hope you can fall in love "normally". I myself wouldn't even know how, after this experience I realized that I always became limerent, not in love. Even with my husband it started as limerence so I have no idea how "normal" love feels. Must be so much more relaxed...
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Re: It's a tough road

Post by JupiterTaco »

It might help to take some time to focus on yourself and not dating. Also give yourself some serious time away from the highs and lows of limerence since the adrenal system can get hooked on it.
The only thing worse than a smug married couple? "Lots of smug married couples!" Bridget, Bridget Jones's Diary
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