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Post by L-F »

You know those cringe-worthy moments that you regret doing while limerent?

I'm pretty sure we've each got a moment or two, or more, that we would rather forget, I know I do. I've got moments where I question 'what the f was I thinking??!'

I was reading someone's regrettable 'moment' and it sounded horrendous, like HORRENDOUS. Who hasn't stalked right? I've often questioned what kind of person stalks. Whats the psychology behind it? Limerents can do some pretty awful stuff. Now I'm not saying limerents are psychopaths or narcissists though at times it can look like it.

It dawned on me that there's a huge difference between a limerent and a psychopath and a narcissist, and it's not empathy. I believe it's asking for help. IMO. Every story I've come across regarding psychopaths and narcissists do not ask for help. Limerents do!

I've not come across one limerent who has wished their LO harm. Not one. I've read some crazy AF shit that sounds narcissistic and psychopathic, yet each story comes with a level of awareness and reflection.

In other words... We know we're crazy! Crazy in love!
I doubt a psychopath or narcissist would stop to question their behavior because it's always about the other person.

I'll get to the point. I mentioned above that I don't believe it's empathy that separates limerents from other personality disorders, I believe it's HEART, and of course asking for support. The fact we don't want to see our LO in pain indicates that there's a humongous gap between narcissists and limerents.

We may be crazy but we're not dangerous. Keep in mind psychopaths and narcissists can fall prey to limerence. For me, it's the fact we are here, wanting to heal.

Just my 2 cents worth today.

Oh, and I do believe it's worth the amount of a cup of coffee per month to gain access to the other areas. As for me? I'm no longer limerent, though still might sign up so I can post more of my musing in a private area.

Ps. The above does not constitute medical advice or information. Just one ex-limerents musings.

Y'all have a blessed day you gorgeous limerents!
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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