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Limerece - Depression?

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Limerece - Depression?

Post by limerain »

Is limerence a secondary condition to depression?

I’ll make a longer post as soon as I can muster the mental resolve to puts this feeling into words. Is there any known association with depression or it is it’s own thing and this emotional dysregulation is just part of its syndrome.

Thanks a bunch.
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Re: Limerece - Depression?

Post by David »

Hi limerain. Its a good question

There is so little research done on limerence i don't have an answer for you.

Going by personal experience and those of the many clients ive worked with that have limerence, i would say there are correlations between, limerence, depression AND anxiety.

Many years ago my own therapist felt i had dysthymia (chronic low grade depression) and suggested i try antidepressants. I felt worse on them and stopped them after a few weeks.

Id be interested to read your views
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Re: Limerece - Depression?

Post by limerain »

I'm a colleague in the medical profession,

I'm 37 yo, have a wife and two children. I have been in what can only construed as an episode of limerence. This webpage has some really keen insights and perspectives regarding what I'm feeling, however it is very hard to find some interventions regarding this thing.

It's just such a potent feeling... I'm pretty much sure anyone can relate, however what I do not understand is if this was always the case or can it start at my age.

I can relate to the feeling dysthymia perfectly. It explains my symptoms and I have always had a inclination for this diagnosis. I have been on antidepressants for some 2 years now. I'd say antidepressants are a really big help and my life was significantly better until I was smitten by this thing... now it just feels like there a whole thing going on my brain that is just normal.

I've had a crush before, not to the point where all this other crap that comes with this. This is some serious, most powerful feeling Ive ever had... I don't know. I feels like a pair-bond mechanism going completely out of control.
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Re: Limerece - Depression?

Post by David »

Most medics are born rescuers. It Is a risk factor for limerence. See the drama triangle for more info, i have a video on this in the video series I made for beating limerence. Our LOs often play the victim.

As for the pair bonding mechanism running amok, yes a good analogy. Like you i had crushes both nothing on the scale that limerence was. My therapist initially described it as a crush, i said no way, this is a 1,000 times worse, like a crush on steroids.

Anyhow, you'll find support here from others that get your suffering. Ive posted elsewhere as to what helped me work through my own infection.
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Re: Limerece - Depression?

Post by loslabios »

My personal experience says limerence is definitely associated with depression—or perhaps depression is associated with limerence. I have been both depressed and limerent for as long as I can remember. I also believe both my limerence and depression are created by chronic insecurity which I attribute to early childhood attachment. My attachment system is wired so that I desperately want love, but I am absolutely horrified by my core belief of being unlovable. That is a prescription for obsession, anxiety, and depression.
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