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I am going to disclose my feelings

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I am going to disclose my feelings

Post by Jojimor »

I am a teacher and my LO is also a teacher. We worked very closely for a little while and I developed strong feelings for him. We are both married with very young children. His wife also works at the school but only a couple of times a year.

I am about 10 years younger than him and quite attractive. I wear my hair nice, nice clothes, friendly personality and I know I am attractive as I get attention from males when I am out (not big headed, just trying to paint the picture). I honestly don’t think he knows that I like him or even thinks I would like him. I get a feeling he’s attracted to me but then he gives me absolutely no signs. We have each other’s numbers and he has never text me. Never goes out of his way to spend time with me. So I don’t know whether he is attracted to me but just doesn’t want to come across as a “creep” etc.

Anyway I feel like the term is coming to an end and we will both be at different schools next year. I want to disclose that I’m attracted to him at least. I feel like I will always regret it if I don’t. Can anyone give me subtle ways to disclose without ruining my dignity or professional reputation incase he shoots me down? I am not interested in leaving my family for him, I just need to get it off my chest and I also cannot die knowing if he felt the same or not. Please give me some tips!
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Re: I am going to disclose my feelings

Post by David »

I tell my clients to begin with the end in mind. What is the end in mind you have thats driving your desire to disclose? What do you hope to achieve from it?

Disclosing could have many outcomes, one could be the slippery slope to a full blown affair which usually has a messy outcome.
Disclosing rarely if ever ends limerence.
Purchase the 24 part video series on overcoming limerence - see
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Re: I am going to disclose my feelings

Post by IvB »

Fully agree with David. Count yourself lucky that you will be in different schools soon, you can go NC, an advantage which many don't have. Not interested to leave your family, what would be your goal then? An affair? I advise that you don't play with fire...
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