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Religion and Limerence

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Religion and Limerence

Post by L-F »

Not scientific at all, just some random thoughts on religion and limerence. I'm not religious, just thought I'd mention that. However, I find great comfort in looking at what is God's work and what is not, and if I was religious, I'd view limerence as the devils work and focus on strengthening my faith.

I've been chatting to friends who look to God to save them and often they will bring up things like 'hate, greed, gossip, etc' and ask for God's support because they believe negative traits are the work of the devil. Which made think that if I was religious, I would look upon limerence as also being the devils work. It's toooo simple!

Anything we humans do is difficult when it comes separating / removing ourselves from negative habits (being in the devils grip), so if religious, why not turn to God? I know I would if I was religious.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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