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The End

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The End

Post by AMA210 »

A note to all who have visited my website, soulworkjourney - thank you for reading. :ymhug:
It is no longer accessible, as I have deleted it, deciding that it was no longer needed and it served its purpose well in the past two years.

LO wore his black "love bombing" jacket.
Within the span of my 3 months of no contact, I met my replacement.
I have officially been devalued and discarded.
The karma that I created with his SO has come back to me, completing the cycle.
He came out of the garage with the new person, talking about his bike, and as I stood behind him, there was no glitter on him at all.
Now his exterior truly reflects his interior.
The wrecking ball obliterated the connection.

I said thanks.
I walked away.
I finally got my damn closure from my own intention.
I won.
The End
Never give up! Keep moving forward, no matter what.
Posts: 5711
Joined: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:12 pm
United States of America

Re: The End

Post by JupiterTaco »

Good to hear, it sounds like you've been through quite a bit!
The only thing worse than a smug married couple? "Lots of smug married couples!" Bridget, Bridget Jones's Diary
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