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Good description on the challenges of modern marriages

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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Good description on the challenges of modern marriages

Post by David »

Taken from a recently published book, Fierce and Tender

Consciously negotiating a marital relationship is as difficult a task as there is. It’s not like a business deal where it’s more instinctive, less emotional, the attachments are easier to see and work with … usually not that deep, probably not that personal. But marital intimacy is a whole different game. For eons, cross culturally, marriage has been the singular stabilizing institution that keeps community in place. Its power cuts across many levels and dimensions, family is sacred … feminine energy is the internal anchor, masculine the external. No longer a survival necessity, these days the institution is on shaky ground, family structures in great flux. Women are not so much at home, families not so solid. With Pisces receding into yesterday, and Aquarius unfolding into tomorrow, old values are upended, new values as yet undefined. Within this family structure is where the core wounding occurs, where the soul’s purpose gets seeded, where the brain circuitry is imprinted with mother, father, familial, and cultural wounds. Now the disintegrating container adds the next layer of complexity. At the very core of the family dysfunction is the unconsciousness of these textures, themes, patterns.
Purchase the 24 part video series on overcoming limerence - see
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