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Do you get "withdrawls" or depressions when ceasing?

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Do you get "withdrawls" or depressions when ceasing?

Post by Zsababy »

Today, I looked at my chronic habit of fantasizing about my LO and became more conscious of what a deeply ingrained reflex it's becoming. And how much I rely on it to get through boring days at work & how much I rely on it to fill various voids in my life. I'm trying to work on myself & be more productive so as to have a more fulfilling life but have fallen off the productivity & creativity wagon recently; I need to make up for so much lost time.

Anyway, not using that crutch made me low-level depressed. Then later I began "using" again and felt great.

This is where I can really see the addictive aspect of limerance, not just chasing a high compulsively, but as a chronic crutch to ward off depression.
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Re: Do you get "withdrawls" or depressions when ceasing?

Post by April »

Oh yes, the withdrawals. You are an addict, so am I.
The more you resist, the stronger and more confident you become. Learning internal rather than external validation takes lots of time and practice. Seeing what you are doing is the 1st step!
Posts: 543
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:15 am
United States of America

Re: Do you get "withdrawls" or depressions when ceasing?

Post by Zsababy »

Thank you for your reply.

I'm struggling; the sexual feelings are so strong. This person also inspires me creatively; the problem is that is just enhances fantasies which give immediate gratification & that dopamine rush without any effort. *sigh* So hard to give up.
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