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Post by L-F »

Had a strange dream. Sharing here because others may relate?
LO was a tutor, LS was a male student.
Subject: Psychology
LS was learning in the and outs of transference in class and when it dawned on him that he was in the thick of it in real life, it hit like an emotional train wreck. He suddenly realised the extent to which LO was also involved (counter-transference).

What was striking was the 'aha' expression on his face of pure terror and disgust at his naivety. Of course, this kind of aha moment was filled with blame. What exactly was LO contributing to the LE? And more importantly, why?

When LO saw his expression it triggered an emotional response and mind chatter of 'oh', suddenly realising that things could go wrong should the student speak up about it.

But what is there to share? Limerence is as hideously silent as it is verbal. Who knows what triggers us because it often happens when neither party is aware.

Anyway, woke up laughing since I was neither the student nor the tutor.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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