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Could CODA help with Limerence?

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Could CODA help with Limerence?

Post by Yesnomaybeso »

I had a realisation that I'm a covert codependent. The way I know this is the way I feel when in Limerence. It's all textbook codependency but with someone I barely know and can't/won't date. So I'm considering CODA but would love to get any suggestions/experiences/advice. Thanks 🙂
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Re: Could CODA help with Limerence?

Post by JupiterTaco »

I attended CoDa for awhile, and have thought about going back since having been back in close contact with my BPD/OCD/alcoholic mother. For me, it all intersected. My lack of boundaries surrounding my relationship with my mother and many other family relationships intersecting with the other things that went along with it, such as push-pull dynamics among other things pretty much set me up for a lifetime of limerent attachments. I recommend it. They go over Melody Beattie's work and it's very helpful and quite uncanny at times how it brings random issues up just when you need to hear about it. It will be your best friend and support setting boundaries in your life.
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Re: Could CODA help with Limerence?

Post by David »

All of us with limerence are codependent, i describe it is codependency on steroids

I think any form of group support can be helpful, no herm in trying, may also be worth looking at SLAA, sex and love addicts anonymous
Purchase the 24 part video series on overcoming limerence - see
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