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Great video- limerance & being your best self

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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Great video- limerance & being your best self

Post by Zsababy »

This video is great & in general the Crappy Childhood Fairy channel on YouTube is excellent. It's great for new people here as it's a great primer on limerance.

But she also says something that isn't talked about much: how we imagine being our best selves with our LO but that we can be our best selves without wasting our lives on fantasy.
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Re: Great video- limerance & being your best self

Post by L-F »

So true! That's where im at. So much so the thought of losing SO to someone else no longer fills be with dread. I'd cope. I'd be devastated to begin with. But I'd cope. And may even enjoy the ride - who knows? so many people stay with their partner out of fear - fear of financial loss, fear of being alone, fear of what family would say, etc. When in reality, being your best self means living without fear.

Gosh! I should be a limerence life coach =)) my friends often suggest it.

Jokes aside, here is a great place to learn from others. Thanks for sharing Zsababy.
"And in the end, we were all just humans…Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
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