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It's me, I'm back LE again.

A place for those new to this site. The more experienced users of this site tend to frequent the members only section more.
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Joined: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:12 pm
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Re: It's me, I'm back LE again.

Post by JupiterTaco »

Good idea. One of the two women who's always lording themselves over his profile I'm not sure which one is actually his girlfriend which probably isn't a good sign LOL. Other than that I think his mom and sister could possibly remember me. Maybe I'm just seeking that sense of community that I feel I don't have I don't know. This just came out of nowhere.

All I know is that I don't look at him and see I don't know answers to my problems or whatever. All I can see is the bad that could happen if I got involved with him other than just saying hey on Facebook which I don't want to do. At best he'd be a constant reminder of things I don't want to think about. I guess logically in a short-term that could be healing but the likelihood that it would be for me is really low.

And of course at worst yes like you said he's created a whole life living normal lives just like everybody else while I've been consistently stuck in the same situation in my life has more or less stagnated over years and how all of that would be a constant reminder even on the best of days. It's embarassing. I silently wished him well and then blocked him.
"Tell many times did you have sex with him?" Griselda, Cocaine Godmother
"Six, why?" Affair partner
"Because that's how many times I'm going to shoot you," Griselda
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